Sleep better

Sleep better

The Micro-Cosmos dome provides comfort and reduces external stimuli such as light and sound from medical equipment, roommates and nurses. Patients experience more rest and better sleep.

Security and privacy

Security and privacy

The Micro-Cosmos dome ensures patient privacy when he or she wants it by introducing a canopy above the patient. It offers a secure environment and reduces unwanted stimuli, such as sound and light from other patients and monitors.

Visual that creates tranquility

Visual that creates tranquility

The inside of the domes is equiped with a visual of nature which creates tranquility for the patients. The nature visual is chosen because of their scientifically proven positif effect on the comfort and welbeing of people.

Easy to use

Easy to use

The dome is simple installed by pulling the bed from the wall and moving the dome behind the bed. Move the bed back to the dome and it is ready to use. Click here for the instruction manual.


Please feel free to contact us to discuss options for your healthcare institute or customers.

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