The importance of sleep in recovery

The sleep quality of patients is very poor in hospitals, while sleep is extremely important for both physical and mental wellbeing. Poor sleep can even cause complications, such as delirium, and is very important for the immune system. Improved rest also ensures a faster recovery, so that the patient can go home faster and experience less pain.

We have gained a lot of experience with the Micro-Cosmos dome in various clinical departments, such as neurology, geriatrics, internal medicine, oncology and ICU. Through surveys with 100+ patients, we know that:

  • 2 out of 3 patients sleep better with the bed cap.
  • More than 70% of patients are less bothered by light and noise.
  • More than 90% of nurses are positive about its use.

In addition, we have measured that the dome reduces noise by an average of 3 dB(A) and reduces 40% of noise peaks above 40 dB(A).

The Micro-Cosmos is currently being used successfully at Charité Academic Hospital in Berlin and in The Netherlands at Maastricht UMC+, Isala, Gelderse Vallei Hospital, Bravis Hospital and SKB Winterswijk. In addition, the pilot study at the Amsterdam UMC will soon be completed and an extensive clinical study will start in June at the Charité Academic hospital in Berlin.

Do you want to know more? We are happy to tell you more via a telephone or video call. And if possible, we would like to drop by so that you can experience it for yourself.

Contact us for more information